Fairy Tail is a Japanese shonen manga, a fantasy, created by Hiro Mashima and published in the magazine Shonen Magazine in Japan from the outlet of August 2, 2006.
In Italy, began publication January 3, 2008 by Star Comics in the first bi-monthly basis (from 1 to 14) and quarterly thereafter (from 14 onwards).
Currently in Japan, 282 chapters have been published, including 275 collected in 32 volumes. In Italy have so far released 24 volumes. With Chapter 253 ends the first part of the manga.

The Kingdom of Flower is a neutral country of seventeen million inhabitants: the magic in this country is bought and sold like any other commodity, and is an integral part of daily life of the population. Of the entire population but only a few have specialized in its use, and those who are called magicians.
Most of these masters of magic are brought together into guilds and do work on commission only they would be able to play. Of these guilds there are many scattered throughout the country, which are grouped in leagues aided by the Council of Magic which is in close ties with the government.
Among the most important guilds in the country there is one particularly famous for its exuberant character and the great power they possess many of its components: its name is Fairy Tail. Over the years this corporation has had more than once in friction with the Council because of the behavior outside the box and the sometimes disastrous and careless attitude with which they perform their work. But ultimately it is for this reason that the people, especially the city of Magnolia where the guild hall, appreciates and admires.
Attracted by the fame Heartphilia Lucy, a young sorceress of the Star Spirits, decides to be part of, and during his journey encounters Natsu Dragonil, a fire mage in Fairy Tail; sitting Igneel in search of the dragon, and his trusted companion, the cat Happy flying. The latter introduranno in the guild, if known by people other wizards and witches, the wizard of ice Fullbuster Gray, Natsu's rival since childhood, the warrior Erza Scarlet witch, sorceress named Titania as among the strongest in Fairy Tail.
In the midst of them Lucy learns the values ??of trust and friendship that binds every member of the guild like a large extended family, leading to affection for that place and its components, the young witch with her whole being to help preserve and to defend them, every time if the opportunity arises, experiencing wonderful adventures and sharing both good times and bad days.